(c) KymoftheKing
If you use 'em, credit 'em!
I love MasterChef -- and I love all the judges. Especially George... no, Gary... no, Matt!
A judge who we love is called Matt.
And Matt - well, he loves his cravat.
He’s top notch on the nosh
And he looks awfully posh.
With no Matt it would all be quite flat.
A judge we know only as George
Would chew and - quite simply - he'd gorge*.
‘Twas his action with forks
That caused all the squawks
And made him entirely less gorg.
And then there’s the one who’s called Gary.
(He isn’t called Barry or Harry.)
He’s worked as a chef
And he never says f…
He’s the one who you’d quite like to marry!
*well he wouldn't really gorge; we're just trying to make a fun rhyme here folks.
Love ya George and can't wait to eat at The Press Room!
Ebook Gratuit Savoir & Faire en Prépas Physique Chimie MPSI
Ebook Gratuit Savoir & Faire en Prépas Physique Chimie MPSI
Lorsque vous avez cette routine pour faire tous les jours, vous pouvez être
riche. Riche d'expé...
6 years ago