Tuesday, March 31, 2009


The king, like the rest of the world, is transported by Sockington. He's joined Socks Army. No hope now.

Sockington 200,000 Followers from Jason Scott on Vimeo.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The King of Tweets

Max (aka The King) now has three followers on Twitter. Enough to build a religion on. The one devoted to eating, sleeping and sitting in the garden from time to time.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

To twitter, to cheep, to inform

The King has started twittering. It seems to be his milieu. He is bonkers about Sockington, Sockington, Sockington, Sockington, Sockington... etc

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My loathing of spiders is complete (and utter)

My loathing of huntsman spiders (or are they just huntsmen?) is renowned. Grown men have been phoned in the middle of the night to come over and remove them from my sight.

Yesterday I resorted to a text "call out" of various male acquaintances to evict the latest invader.

G. came to the rescue. Rewarding him with wine and a lamb kebab couscous dinner was the least I could do.

The previous night (warning dear reader: gin and Augusten Burroughs are a bad combination when encountering a huntsman of huge proportions), I had been awake for hours. For a long while I had been lying in bed, pretending it would all be OK. Every few minutes I'd flick the light on, but it became too much when one of the spider's ruby eyes glinted at me.

So I upped camp and went to sleep in the lounge room. The King was delighted with the novelty of the new sleeping arrangements and jumped around incessantly. I filled him up on treats to pacify him, but it was like giving a kid red cordial. The three of us were awake: the spider, the King and me.

A bad, bad urban story that ended with G. freeing the spider into the wilds of Darlinghurst. It's now out petitioning the neighbourhood about victimisation.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Wrong Side of Wrongtown

It's my new favourite saying.
As in: "That is on the wrong side of Wrongtown!"


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

5c at the bus stop

I seem to pick up money everywhere.
Today there was another 5c coin at the bus stop. So I carried it around all day and it will go in the kitty purse with all the other found coins.
At some random "lucky" day in the future, I will buy a lottery ticket with them.
Fingers crossed.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Technical KO

Knocked flat for a week by a head cold.
Honestly. King of Darlinghurst marvellous company.

Monday, March 2, 2009

George Clooney in Adelaide

When supplied with a George Clooney face on a stick, one simply stands behind it and sings "happy birthday". That's what happened this weekend in Adelaide.
Then Sarah and I flew back to Sydney, giggling hard on the plane behind our new identities.
Watch out for Toothpick Etiquette 103 on youtube - filmed entirely on location (without George Clooney).
