Wednesday, August 26, 2009

T. Hanks

Love the sign above the returns bin in the local DVD/video store in Darlinghurst:

T. Hanks

Oh yes, laughed out loud when I saw it yesterday.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


His name is Sockington.
He is uber Cat. Max is the King of Darlinghurst; Socks is the King of Twitter and King of the World.
But behold.
Max appears (thrice!) in the Sockamillion movie after an earlier half-mill show:

Socks Army One Million Strong from Jason Scott on Vimeo.

Monday, August 3, 2009


I've just had a weekend in Brisvegas, which is 5 degrees warmer than Sydney and a great place for me - as I got to spend time with someone who knows me very well. The King (see twitterfeed, right) is yowling his head off and now it's time to plant my feet back in Darlinghurst after two weekends away.